Sunday, November 18, 2012

To Quit or Not to Quit?

The last couple of days have been quite hellish.  Whilst dealing with this awful flu, I just didn't have the urge to smoke. Which of course IS a very good thing.,  It has been eight days since my last cigarette and seven days since, I've had the flu. I am much better now, except for continuing to cough out a lot of the phlem...mucous(yeah it sounds Guess the lungs are purge itself of all the shiet that I have managed to dump there. It will take time, and I know that, I am not out of the woods yet. 

However, it sure has been tiring to be eating so much. Just as I am elated about not picking up a cigarette, I am concerned  with the fact, that I have started eating a lot.  I mean...A LOT, that it is not funny. From one extreme to the next., Gotta do something about it. Where the blazes are you....WILLPOWER??!! LOL!
My goodness! If it is not one's another! 

I know that I definitely want to stop smoking.
However, I don't want to be gaining 30+ the process.smoking, overeat, lose, weight, sick,
I am stressing about quitting smoking and now ...overeating.

I am going for a walk.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Nicotine Addict

I never tried to quit smoking. I would stop only when I got sick..mostly with the flu, or what I would think as a simple cold.  It wasn't a conscious effort to quit. I just didn't have the urge...or taste for cigarettes.. Wheezing, coughing and gagging, would be my morning, noon and night time song. This time is different.  I don't feel that deep burning and searing pain in my chest when I cough.  But I know my body is trying to rid itself with all the toxins I have loaded into it.

I know...I  want to quit, and I can't be putting it off for "another" day. That... "another" day.... doesn't  roll around very often, for some people.

Since Sunday(11/10) its been like a roller coaster ride through cold sweats, shakes,chills,  anger, depression, incessant hunger, trembling, raiding the refrigerator, difficulty sleeping,, bitchy comebacks, falling asleep at the Stoplight (OMG!!.) front of the computer... whilst sitting on the couch...this has never happened before. Maybe I am just so damn tired, that I never listened to my body.
Today is day #5 since I have been sick with the flu, and day# 5 without cigarrettes!
I hope I can hold on to quitting ...because the withdrawals are soooooooooooo hellish!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Choices We Make

We can let the circumstances of our lives harden us
so that we become increasingly resentful and afraid,
or we can let them soften us, and make us kinder.
We always have the choice.
Dalai Lama

Favorite and Inspirational Quotes

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.

Martin Luther
German Theologian

Hello World!

Good Morning World!
Just got up not too long ago, and hit the road...with a list of errands to be completed.
The usual traffic buildup in places where you would expect the traffic to back up.Some
drivers are just impatient and have no respect for the rules of the road! Several close calls
with inconsiderate drivers pulling abruptly in front of my vehicle, without them signaling their
intention....OR just signaling as they forcibly move in front of  the car.  Ugghhh! It pisses me off,
because it is inconsiderate idiots like these, that can cause traffic accidents.

Drive safely out there... wherever you all are at, and be on the defensive and alert side.
Some drivers forget that having being granted a license to drive, is a  PRIVILEGE...and NOT A RIGHT. to do as you damn well please, on the public highway.
Drive Safe!
Drive Happy!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Remembering my Brother

I miss you... my brother. Today is your birthday. It always brings fond memories of how we both would be the same age for a little more than two weeks...until your birthday. I always enjoyed telling you that, since we were the "same" age, you couldn't boss me around or tell me what to do.  lol 
It is bittersweet, as you and Princess are no longer I miss visiting and we three, along with the kids...would fire up the Bar-B. Talk, debate, discuss genealogy, education, politics, and any topic our minds would allow us to dissect. lol
You and Princess are thought of with love.
Happy Birthday Brother! Rest in God's Love.
Alofa'aga e le 'uma.

Getting back on Track

Hey World!
I have been incognito for some time....but that is mostly due to the fact, that I tend to forget the passwords to my blog sites and have to start all over again. with the registration and the works.. LOL! It is good to be back on Google, and this time around, I had better not forget the passwords!. Hehehe! Sometimes I make it a bit challenging and complicated, that I end out forgetting it...myself HAHAHA!

As time permits. I shall certainly make the effort to post info from variety of topics. This may range from poetry, samoan history, culture, language, wisdom or proverbial sayings,  perhaps vintage pictures of old samoa, and other pacific islands,  motivational and inspirational quotes, et cetera....